Effective July 1st 2019
Membership dues are $30.00 - single or a family membership
( Family is mom, dad, and any/all kids UNDER 16)
Senior Memberships are $15.00
Junior membership $1.00
(any child under 16 not in the immediate family, such as a neighbor, niece or nephew, or grandchild)
Renewals begin January 1st.
We do not pro-rate memberships!
How do I sign up?
In Person:
You may sign up in person at the clubhouse. If someone is there they will take care of you on the spot. If no one is available to sign you up, membership applications are located in a metal box, between the clubhouse doors, on the pond side of the building. Application-envelopes are located inside it. Fill out the application, put the dues in the envelope, and place it in the slot in the left door. You are now instantly a member. Your membership card will be mailed to you, but you may use the facilities immediately.
Click on the link here to sign up online. The form does not accept payment so you will need to send money electronically to pay for your membership. Once your payment is submitted, you will receive a membership card in the mail. Please allow processing and mailing for your membership cards to arrive. You may access the facilities once your membership is paid. If you have questions about online memberships, please email falconscmembership@gmail.com
If you are asked for your card by a director, before you receive it in the mail, just explain the situation, and they can verify you are a member at the clubhouse.
Please remember... NO GUESTS!
Violators caught bringing guests will have their memberships revoked for a period of ONE YEAR.